DACE computer literacy

Significant number of schools in rural Africa do not have access to computers although education authorities have stressed the importance of computer literacy of students and included as core to the school curriculum. This put students in rural and deprive region at a disadvantage to their peers in the cities and wealthier neighborhoods. To help level the playground, we have designed the Computer literacy program to make computers accessible to students in rural communities.

DACE Computing School to provides free Information Computer Technology (ICT) training to students in deprive communities. We collect fairly used computers from corporations and institutions and setup computer training school at locations that would serve the greater number of students. We work with schools within our selected district to create a schedule for their students as our facilities serves an average of 7 middle schools.

Some schools have offered us the opportunity to setup our computer school within the school premises and to extend the invitation to the neighboring schools to use. An offer we have accepted and has incorporated into our strategy to expand computing training to the remote areas as well.